The Avaya Spaces socket server will emit this socket event when a SEND_MEDIA_SESSION_EVENTS socket event was sent by another member of the channel.
Payload Parameters
Name | Description | JSON type |
_id | Unique identifier of the event. | string |
messageId | Unique identifier of the message. | string |
topicId | Unique identifier of the space. | string |
sender | The user that sent the SEND_MEDIA_SESSION_EVENTS.- _id: unique identifier of the sender
- username: the username of the sender
- displayname: the display name of the sender
- picture_url: URL linking to the profile picture of the user
- type: default is "spaceserver"
| string |
content | - endTime: (null/string) used for a category of events that emit when a process is finished (e.g. 'app.event.meeting.ended', 'app.event.recording.ended') and defines the time when it happened
- mediaMode: (string) either 'video' or 'audio'
- virtualEndTime: (null/string) goes hand in hand with 'endTime' - when they are both null, the meeting is fully active.
- meetingStatus: (string) meeting status at the time of the event, either 'active' or 'inactive'
- bodyText: (string) message text received
- attendees: (array) array of attendees in a given space
- attendee: (object) returned in 'app.event.atendee' category responses
- startTime: (string) date when the event has started
- recordings: (array) array of available recordings in the given space
- data: (array) array of possible objects provided by user input like files, images, links, recordings
| object |
modified | date when the object of the event (e.g. 'recording' in 'app.event.recording') has been modified | (null/string) |
category | The type of media session event. | string |
Media Session Event Categories
Name | Description |
app.event.meeting.started | The meeting has started |
app.event.meeting.ended | The meeting has ended |
app.event.attendee.added | An attendee was added to the meeting |
app.event.attendee.added | An attendee has left the meeting |
app.event.recording.started | Meeting recording has started |
app.event.recording.ended | Meeting recording was stopped |
app.event.recording.ready | Meeting recording is ready to be viewed/downloaded |
Subscribed to the channel.
socketConnection.on('MEDIA_SESSION_RESPONSE', callback(payload));
Payload ('app.event.meeting.started')
Payload ('app.event.attendee.added')
"displayname":"Test User",
Payload ('app.event.attendee.left')
"displayname":"Test User",
Payload ('app.event.meeting.ended')
"displayname":"Test User",
Payload ('app.event.recording.started')
"displayname":"Test User",
Payload ('app.event.recording.ended')
"displayname":"Test User",
"displayname":"Test User",
Payload ('app.event.recording.ready')
"displayname":"Test User",
"displayname":"Test User",
"displayname":"Test User",