The Avaya Spaces socket server will emit this socket event when a SEND_MEDIA_SESSION_EVENTS socket event was sent by another member of the channel.

Payload Parameters

NameDescriptionJSON type
_idUnique identifier of the event.string
messageIdUnique identifier of the message.string
topicIdUnique identifier of the space.string
senderThe user that sent the SEND_MEDIA_SESSION_EVENTS.
  • _id: unique identifier of the sender
  • username: the username of the sender
  • displayname: the display name of the sender
  • picture_url: URL linking to the profile picture of the user
  • type: default is "spaceserver"
  • endTime: (null/string) used for a category of events that emit when a process is finished (e.g. 'app.event.meeting.ended', 'app.event.recording.ended') and defines the time when it happened
  • mediaMode: (string) either 'video' or 'audio'
  • virtualEndTime: (null/string) goes hand in hand with 'endTime' - when they are both null, the meeting is fully active.
  • meetingStatus: (string) meeting status at the time of the event, either 'active' or 'inactive'
  • bodyText: (string) message text received
  • attendees: (array) array of attendees in a given space
  • attendee: (object) returned in 'app.event.atendee' category responses
  • startTime: (string) date when the event has started
  • recordings: (array) array of available recordings in the given space
  • data: (array) array of possible objects provided by user input like files, images, links, recordings
modifieddate when the object of the event (e.g. 'recording' in 'app.event.recording') has been modified(null/string)
categoryThe type of media session event.string

Media Session Event Categories

app.event.meeting.startedThe meeting has started
app.event.meeting.endedThe meeting has ended
app.event.attendee.addedAn attendee was added to the meeting
app.event.attendee.addedAn attendee has left the meeting
app.event.recording.startedMeeting recording has started
app.event.recording.endedMeeting recording was stopped
app.event.recording.readyMeeting recording is ready to be viewed/downloaded


Subscribed to the channel.


socketConnection.on('MEDIA_SESSION_RESPONSE', callback(payload));

Payload ('app.event.meeting.started')





Payload ('app.event.attendee.added')

         "displayname":"Test User",

Payload ('app.event.attendee.left')

         "displayname":"Test User",

Payload ('app.event.meeting.ended')

            "displayname":"Test User",



Payload ('app.event.recording.started')

               "displayname":"Test User",

Payload ('app.event.recording.ended')

               "displayname":"Test User",
               "displayname":"Test User",

Payload ('app.event.recording.ready')

            "displayname":"Test User",
               "displayname":"Test User",
               "displayname":"Test User",
