Emit this socket event to send a chat message. The Avaya Spaces socket server will emit MESSAGE_SENT (if message was sent successfully).

The failure response is the same, unless a wrong topic id was entered, then the response payload will be of type "app.event.channel.subscription.required".

To create posts: /api/spaces/{spaceid}/ideas or tasks: /api/spaces/{spaceid}/tasks

The same can be achieved with sending either SEND_MESSAGE's 'task' or 'idea' payload.

Payload Parameters

NameDescriptionJSON type
categoryType of message to send, can be: 'chat', 'idea', 'task'string
  • messages: (array) array of chat messages
  • previousPageUrl: (string) used with pagination API. Either "", or URL string with path to previous page.
  • nextPageUrl: (string) used with pagination API. Either "", "end" or URL string with path to next page.
chatMessages: object, has two keys : messages(array); previousPageUrl (string); nextPageUrl (string) (URL, "" or "end")
  • bodyText: (string) message text to send
  • assignees: (array) list of people the message is assigned to. Used in 'task' type response only.
    • _id: (string) id of a person, who the task is assigned to
  • data: (array) objects representing attached files
    • fileId: (string) fileKey from /files/getuploadurl
    • fileSize: (int) size of file in bytes
    • fileType: (string) 'image', 'video', 'audio', or (default) 'document'
    • icon: (string) a URL link to file's icon? mentioned in message.backend.js:433 DEFINITION UNCLEAR, returns an empty string
    • name: (string) file name
    • provider: (string) 'native'
    • providerFileType: (string) MIME type
  • description: (string) optional description.
  • dueDate: (string) date when the task is due.
  • status: (string) status of the message, default is "pending".
parentMsgObject containing the data of the parent post or task
  • _id: (string) unique identifier of the post/task
topicIdUnique identifier of topic to send message to. Note: Direct messages are sent to a topic with only 2 members. To retrieve the topicId for a direct message see /spaces/direct/{userType}/{userId}.string
  • _id: (string) id of the sender.
  • type: (string) sender's type. Can be either "user" or "anonymous"




socketConnection.emit('SEND_MESSAGE', payload);

Payload Sent ('chat'), when sending a text value

    "category": "chat",
    "chatMessages": {
    "content": {
        "bodyText": "<p>Random text</p>",
        "data": [
        "description": ""
    "topicId": "5f1051f0f3ed772f915f19ed"

Payload Sent ('chat'), when sending a file value

    "category": "chat",
    "chatMessages": {
    "content": {
        "assignees": [
        "bodyText": "",
        "data": [
                "fileId": "152b23dd-0b80-426f-9ec6-b8389f11ae42",
                "fileSize": 924,
                "fileType": "document",
                "icon": "",
                "name": ".gitignore",
                "provider": "native",
                "providerFileType": "text/plain"
        "description": "",
        "dueDate": "",
        "status": "pending"
    "topicId": "5f1051f0f3ed722f915e19ed"

Payload ('idea') - in this case, idea is a post




Payload ('task')


      "bodyText":"Test task",
      "description":"<p>A test task</p>",

Payload ('chat'), with parent post or task

    "category": "chat",
    "content": {
        "bodyText": "<p>Random text</p>",
        "data": [
    "parentMsg": {
        "_id": "5f1052c2d371313d0ca8ce3a"
    "sender": {
        "_id": "5f04251caa4a347bf9946e99",
        "type": "user"
    "topicId": "5f1051f0f3ed772f915e1923"