This event is emitted by the server upon a change in user presence. Clients must listen for this event and update the presence status of other users in the room accordingly.

Payload Parameters

NameDescriptionJSON type
categoryType of presence event received. See categories below.string
topicIdUnique identifier of topic to send message to.string
senderSender of the presence event
  • _id: unique identifier of the sender
  • username: the username of the sender
  • displayname: the display name of the sender
  • picture_url: URL linking to the profile picture of the user
  • type: what type of sender ('user', 'anonymous' or 'phone')
  • phone_numbers: array of phone numbers associated with the sender
contentCurrent presence state of sender.
  • desktop: (boolean) Not used.
  • idle: (boolean) is the user inactive
  • mediaSession: (object) media session state
    • audio: (boolean) is the user sending audio
    • connected: (boolean) is the user connected to the media session
    • screenshare: (boolean) is the user sharing their screen
    • selfMuted: (boolean) is the user muted
    • video: (boolean) is the user sending video
  • offline: (boolean) is the user disconnected
  • role: (string) user's role in the space ('admin', 'member', 'guest')
  • sessionId: (string) SessionId for the socket connection. For reference only.
  • attendee: (object) object of an attendee in the space
    • attendeeType: either 'userId' or 'anonymousId'
    • attendee: ID of the attendee
  • _id: unique identifier of the receiver
  • authorizedBy: NOT FOUND IN BACKEND @ MessageConstants.js:803
  • authorizedResources: NOT FOUND IN BACKEND @ MessageConstants.js:803
  • displayname: the display name of the receiver
  • picture_url: URL linking to the profile picture of the receiver
  • scope NOT FOUND IN BACKEND @ MessageConstants.js:803
  • type: type of the receiver, can be either 'user' or 'anonymous'
  • username: the username of the receiver
Array of objects

Presence Event Categories

NameDescription party (sender) has left the space party (sender) has joined the space
media.session.invalidError processing SEND_PRESENCE_EVENT
app.event.presence.request.partiesA party is requesting the presence of all parties. Send a SEND_PRESENCE_EVENT with category ''.
party.removedA party (sender) has ben removed from space


Subscribed to channel.


socketConnection.on('PRESENCE_EVENT_RESPONSE', callback(payload));

Payload ('')

    "category": "",
    "content": {
        "desktop": false,
        "idle": false,
        "mediaSession": {
            "audio": false,
            "connected": false,
            "phone": false,
            "screenshare": false,
            "selfMuted": false,
            "video": false
        "offline": false,
        "role": "member",
        "sessionId": "fce9bced-8994-4c70-f171-c3c0c1640b77",
        "subscribeTime": "2020-08-04T13:11:48.376Z"
    "receivers": [
            "_id": "5f04251caa4a347af9946f06",
            "authorizedBy": null,
            "authorizedResources": null,
            "displayname": "Test User",
            "picture_url": "",
            "scope": null,
            "type": "user",
            "username": ""
    "sender": {
        "_id": "5f04251caa4a347af9945f06",
        "displayname": "Igor Test",
        "phone_numbers": [
        "picture_url": "",
        "type": "user",
        "username": ""
    "topicId": "5eecfda30da7fa05033f15ef"

Payload ('')

      "displayname":"Test User 2",



Payload ('party.removed')

      "displayname":"Test User"

Payload ('app.event.presence.request.parties')


      "displayname":"Test User 2",

Payload ('media.session.invalid') INFERED FROM BACKEND, COULD BE WRONG

      "displayname":"Test User"
   "loopbackMetadata":"some metadata"

Payload for dialin user ('') COULD NOT TEST IT

  "_id": "00fa52ac-1904-46ea-b7dc-1c496a712aef",
  "category": "",
  "content": {
      "offline": false,
      "role": "guest",
      "mediaSession": {
          "video": false,
          "audio": true,
          "connected": true,
          "screenshare": false,
          "selfMuted": false,
          "phone": true
      "idle": false,
      "desktop": false,
      "emitedby": "wcs",
      "sessionId": "CAe1889084a107d447398c45f7ab8f7aa2"
  "sender": {
      "displayname": "John Smith",
      "_id": "CAe1889084a107d447398c45f7ab8f7aa2",
      "type": "phone",
      "username": "",
      "picture_url": ""
  "topicId": "5a1339868509b80641a56655"

Payload for dialin user ('') COULD NOT TEST IT

  "_id": "a5121c6d-33c4-4da7-841f-17a0225db85f",
  "category": "",
  "content": {
      "offline": false,
      "role": "guest",
      "mediaSession": {
          "video": false,
          "audio": true,
          "connected": false,
          "screenshare": false,
          "selfMuted": false,
          "phone": false
      "idle": false,
      "desktop": false,
      "emitedby": "wcs",
      "sessionId": "CAe1889084a107d447398c45f7ab8f7aa2"
  "sender": {
      "displayname": "John Smith",
      "_id": "CAe1889084a107d447398c45f7ab8f7aa2",
      "type": "phone",
      "username": "",
      "picture_url": ""
  "topicId": "5a1339868509b80641a56655"