Return JSON object that lists messages (chat, post, task) for the current user and specified space(s). New messages and updated messages are included by default, deleted messages can also be included with query string parameter. List is ordered by modified time. Note: Use nextPageUrl and prevPageUrl from the response data for query pagination.
URL Parameters
Name | Description | Location | Required | Default Value |
spacelist | Comma separated list of spaces for which to retrieve messages. Must contain at least 1 spaceID and a maximum of 15 spaceIDs. | query | Yes | |
size | Number of messages in the response data. | query | No | 10 (Max: 50) |
includedeleted | Boolean value to include deleted messages. | query | No | false |
pageref | For reference only. Server will increment this value in nextPageUrl and decrement in prevPageUrl. | query | No | |
after | Only show messages modified/created after this reference point (number of milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC). | query | No | |
pageToken | Reference for pagination. Server will populate this in prevPageUrl and/or nextPageUrl. | query | No | |
Body Parameters
JwtAuthenticator, Oauth2Authenticator, AnonymousAuthenticator
Example Request
Authorization: "jwt eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIdfgdfgnR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkX3NpZyI6ImxPWHpxNzVzR3J3X0xwWEMyRGRMakhyYXJlWVhyTzFMdEZHZkhkOWNkTXciLCJwcm9kdWN0X3R5cGUiOiJhY2NvdW50cyIsImxhc3R1cGRhdGV0aW1lIjoiMjAxNy0wMS0zMFQxMzo1ODo0Ny4yMDYiLCJpc3MiOiJ6YW5nLmlvIiwicHVibGlja2V5aWQiOiJhZ3h6Zm05dVpYTnVZVEl3TVRSeUdnc1NEVWRLZDNSUWRXSnNhV05MWlhrdfgdWdJQ2dsUEtFakFvTSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5NTM5MTIwMywidXNlcl9pZCI6ImFneHpmbTl1WlhOdVlUSXdNVFJ5RVFzU0JGVnpaWElZZ0lEQXMtX25fUW9NIiwidmVyIjoiMi4wIn0.SqZpw1uPIebqW3qlDsm0-DWYFKEH0SgPwtD-tSESWOF-5hLkZMqJH28ooWux2S7s9riIew7pTVPnZpTgJa5zHcEAG0gXSEJVOqmpGp_4ufM8YtZoZMpBFjyAkwyAt-ILkGUYIo0GU5WyzMPLV8YLXfgdfgOgkE2MGGOajBkjPmC2Db3pA0D0M9k-21EL1gwWBC5YIq0PDAkgulegwl6khRmB8irJQ-dfg-d-KV9eYfFpsCdJKRGzSfqg"
Authorization: "bearer f746696f5de4528u128ae2f274eea253e8a7943a"
Example Response
"data": [
{ //New Message
"_id": "58ed325779bf9c47479faf9b",
"category": "chat",
"topicId": "58c97998d56ed915c3d28e32",
"status": 0, //It is normal message
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"convertStart": null,
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"convertError": "",
"path": "xxxxxx",
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"thumbnailUrl": "xxxxxx"
"assignees": []
"created": "2017-04-11T19:45:27.163Z",
"modified": "2017-04-11T19:46:40.867Z",
"sender": {
"_id": "5846cc603bab0e18ff03cca0",
"type": "user",
"username": "",
"displayname": "ericd ding",
"picture_url": "xxxxx"
"likeCount": 0,
"chatCount": 0,
"__v": 0
{ //Deleted Message
"_id": "58ed325779bf9c47479faf9b",
"status": 1,
"modified": "2017-04-11T19:46:40.867Z"
"nextPageUrl": "/api/users/me/messages?spacelist=58c97998d56ed915c3d28e32&pageref=1&pageToken=eyJxdWVyeSI6eyIkb3IiOlt7Im1vZGlmaWVkIjp7IiRsdCI6IjIwMTctMTItMjdUMTY6MzE6NDUuNDE0WiJ9fSx7Im1vZGlmaWVkIjoiMjAxNy0xMi0yN1QxNjozMTo0NS40MTRaIiwiX2lkIjp7IiRsdCI6IjVhNDNjYWYxOGE3YWMxMDc5NDJlNzI1ZCJ9fV19LCJkaXJlY3Rpb24iOiJuZXh0In0%3D",
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