Updates the current user's settings. Only settings fields specified in the request body will be updated.
URL Parameters
Body Parameters
Name | Description | JSON type | Required | Default Value |
eula_version_agreed | If empty will prompt user for EULA agreement, otherwise should contain date user agreed. | string | No | |
toc_version_agreed | EULA version that user agreed to, this should be a date. | string | No | |
autoAcceptInvite | Accept invitations from certain groups automatically. Possible values:- relation: Auto accept from my colleagues or any user that has been in the same space as current user before
- none: Do not auto accept from anyone
| string | No | |
autoHideWebTutorial | True will disable tutorial on login, false will enable it. | boolean | No | |
mANotif | Mobile sound notification. | string | No | 'vibes' |
mNotif | Mute mobile notification: 'none', 'direct', 'all'. | string | No | 'all' |
dANotif | Desktop sound notification. | string | No | 'vibes' |
dNotif | Mute desktop notification for: 'none', 'direct', 'all'. | string | No | 'all' |
muteaudio | Mute audio when joining media session. | boolean | No | false |
mutevideo | Mute video when joining media session. | boolean | No | false |
disableAutoJoin | Should user join media session automatically when joining a space. | boolean | No | false |
tourFeatures | Array of strings representing which tour features the user has already seen. | Array | No | |
JwtAuthenticator, Oauth2Authenticator, AnonymousAuthenticator
Example Request
POST https://spacesapis.avayacloud.com/api/users/me/settings/{id}
Authorization: "jwt eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIdfgdfgnR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkX3NpZyI6ImxPWHpxNzVzR3J3X0xwWEMyRGRMakhyYXJlWVhyTzFMdEZHZkhkOWNkTXciLCJwcm9kdWN0X3R5cGUiOiJhY2NvdW50cyIsImxhc3R1cGRhdGV0aW1lIjoiMjAxNy0wMS0zMFQxMzo1ODo0Ny4yMDYiLCJpc3MiOiJ6YW5nLmlvIiwicHVibGlja2V5aWQiOiJhZ3h6Zm05dVpYTnVZVEl3TVRSeUdnc1NEVWRLZDNSUWRXSnNhV05MWlhrdfgdWdJQ2dsUEtFakFvTSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5NTM5MTIwMywidXNlcl9pZCI6ImFneHpmbTl1WlhOdVlUSXdNVFJ5RVFzU0JGVnpaWElZZ0lEQXMtX25fUW9NIiwidmVyIjoiMi4wIn0.SqZpw1uPIebqW3qlDsm0-DWYFKEH0SgPwtD-tSESWOF-5hLkZMqJH28ooWux2S7s9riIew7pTVPnZpTgJa5zHcEAG0gXSEJVOqmpGp_4ufM8YtZoZMpBFjyAkwyAt-ILkGUYIo0GU5WyzMPLV8YLXfgdfgOgkE2MGGOajBkjPmC2Db3pA0D0M9k-21EL1gwWBC5YIq0PDAkgulegwl6khRmB8irJQ-dfg-d-KV9eYfFpsCdJKRGzSfqg"
Authorization: "bearer f746696f5de4528u128ae2f274eea253e8a7943a"
"muteaudio": false,
"mutevideo": false
Example Response
"data": {
"mutevideo": false,
"muteaudio": false,
"disableAutoJoin": true,
"dNotif": "all",
"dANotif": "vibes",
"mNotif": "all",
"mANotif": "vibes",
"autoHideWebTutorial": false,
"theme": "orange",
"showFeatureTipsOnStartUp": true,
"tourFeatures": [
"autoAcceptInvite": "relation",
"_id": "9efc7e0f3612344ee6b558a2",
"created": "2020-07-01T12:14:07.016Z",
"parent_type": "user",
"parentid": "5efc7e0abcdefbe1e6e76c6",
"toc_version_agreed": "20161013",
"eula_version_agreed": null,
"username": "example@avaya.com"
"_metaData": {
"availableEmailNotifications": [
"clientDefaultMediaOptions": {
"disableLocalMute": false,
"smartMeetingAudioParticipantsLimit": 2,
"maxDaysToKeepLargeMeeting": 180
"credits_url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/onesnatesting/public/spaces/pages/avaya-spaces.credits-20190514.txt",
"defaultEmailNotifications": [
"defaultMediaServer": "mpaas",
"electronAppDownloads": {
"downloads": [
"os": "mac",
"osVersion": "10.15+",
"link": "https://storage.googleapis.com/onesnatesting/public/electronapp/v1.1.8/mac/avaya-spaces-mac-setup-1.1.8.dmg",
"version": "1.18",
"releaseNotes": [
"You can now open a space directly through the app! Please use spacesapp.zang.io to use this functionality."
"os": "windows",
"osVersion": "10",
"link": "https://storage.googleapis.com/onesnatesting/public/electronapp/v1.1.8/win/avaya-spaces-win-setup-1.1.8.exe",
"version": "1.18",
"releaseNotes": [
"You can now open a space directly through the app! Please use spacesapp.zang.io to use this functionality."
"eula_url": "https://www.zang.io/eula/spaces",
"eula_version": "20161013",
"privacy_url": "https://www.avaya.com/en/privacy/commitment/",
"supportedMediaServers": [
"toc_url": "https://www.avayamarket.com/us/legal/headless/general-tos",
"toc_version": "20161013",
"toggledFeatures": [
"fcmSenderId": "************",
"fcmClientApiKey": "***************************************"