Server will emit this socket event when a message sent with MESSAGE_SEND was successful.
This socket event will also be sent under the following conditions:
- A post/task was created/updated/deleted
- A space was archived or title was editted ('topic.updated')
Payload Parameters
Name | Description | JSON type |
category | Type of message sent. See table below. | string |
_id | Unique identifier of message type: chatMessageId, postId, taskId. | string |
content | - cid: (string) userid of user that created the message item
- bodyText: (string) chat text, post text, or task text
- status: (string) completion status of task: 'pending', 'complete'
- dueDate: (string) timestamp task is due
- endTime: (string) returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
- mediaMode: (string) media mode of the meeting. Returns either 'audio' or 'video'
- meetingStatus: (string) status of the meeting at the time of response. Returns either 'active' or 'inactive'
- recordings: (array) DEFINITION UNCLEAR, array is empty, even when there are recordings in that particular space - I guess it serves another purpose
- startTime: (string) an ISO time string, defining the time when the message was sent.
- status: (string) completion status of task: 'pending', 'complete'
- virtualEndTime: (string) goes hand in hand with 'endTime' - when they are both null, the meeting is fully active.
- description: (string) description of chat message, post, task, or space
- assignees: (array) array of userids
- _id: (string) unique identifier of user
- data: (array) array of objects representing attached files
- fileId: (string) fileKey from /files/getuploadurl
- fileSize: (int) size of file in bytes
- fileType: (string) file category: 'image', 'video', 'audio', or (default) 'document'
- name: (string) file name
- provider: (string) 'native'
- providerFileType: (string) MIME type
- thumbnailFile: (string) fileKey of thumbnail image. See here.
- previewFile: (string) Deprecated
- previewUrl: (string) URL to file if it's of 'image' type
- path: (string) URL to file
- thumbnailUrl: (string) URL to thumbnailFile
- icon: (string) Not currently in use
- keywords: (string) Not currently in use
- description: (string) Not currently in use
- pages: (string) Number of pages found in file. This is determined by the thumbnail conversion process
- nextSchedule: (string) Timestamp thumbnail conversion will be retried
- convertStart: (string) Timestamp thumbnail conversion started
- convertStatus: (string) the status of the thumbnail conversion: 0 - not started, 1 - in progress, 2 - complete, 3 - failed, 4 - failed but retrying
- convertFailed: (string) Error message for failed thumbnail conversion
- metadata: (object)
- stgeProvd: (string) storage provider: 'gcs' (google cloud storage)
- prvwProvd: (string) preview provider: 'gcs' (google cloud storage)
- paging: (int) Not currently in use.
- settings: (object) space settings
- confId: (string) media server unique identifier for space (topic)
- mdOpts: (array) array of strings of media server options parameters
- mdSrv: (string) media server type: 'ams'
- type: (string) type of topic: 'group' or 'direct'. This property only exists in categories that involve changes to a space itself (e.g.: 'topic.updated', '').
| Object |
chatCount | Number of messages in a post (idea) or task. | int |
messageId | Authentic message ID | string |
likeCount | Not used. | int |
created | Timestamp of when message item was created. | string |
modified | Timestamp of when message item was last editted. | string |
sender | - type: (string) what type of sender ('user' or 'anonymous')
- _id: (String) unique identifier of sender
- username: (string) username (email) of sender
- displayname: (string) Name to display of sender
- picture_url: (string) URL to display picture of sender
| Object |
parentMsg | Object containing the data of the parent post or task. | Object |
status | The archive status of the space: 0 = active, 1 = archived. | integer |
topicTitle | Title of the topic | string |
topicType | Type of topic: 'direct' or 'group' | string |
topicId | Unique identifier of topic to send message to. Note: Direct messages are sent to a topic with only 2 members. To retrieve the topicId for a direct message see /spaces/direct/{userType}/{userId}. | string |
Name | Description |
chat | A new chat message was sent |
idea | A new post (idea) was created |
task | A new task was created |
topic.updated | Space settings were changed (title, archive, etc.) |
topic.markread | Returned right after the user has been shown the latest message |
app.event.message.updated | A message was updated |
app.event.user.topic.preference.updated | Space notifications were turned on, or it has been set as a favorite |
app.event.task.updated | A task was updated |
app.event.idea.updated | A post was updated |
app.event.message.removed | A chat, task, idea (post) was removed | | The current user has joined a new space (topic) |
Subscribed to channel.
socketConnection.on('MESSAGE_SENT', callback(payload));
Payload Received ('topic.markread')
Payload Received ('app.event.user.topic.preference.updated')
"category": "app.event.user.topic.preference.updated",
"content": {
"_id": "5f06c25e574ca36b54cb4cdf",
"isPinned": true,
"notification": true
"sender": {
"_id": "5f04251caa4a347af9946e06",
"type": "user"
"topicId": "5f06c25e574ca36b54cb4cdf"
Payload Received ('chat')
"_id": "5f103c8b76111fce5a460df8",
"category": "chat",
"chatCount": 0,
"content": {
"bodyText": "<p>asd</p>",
"data": [
"description": "",
"endTime": null,
"mediaMode": "audio",
"meetingStatus": "active",
"recordings": [
"startTime": "2020-07-16T11:39:55.237Z",
"virtualEndTime": null
"created": "2020-07-16T11:39:55.232Z",
"likeCount": 0,
"modified": "2020-07-16T11:39:55.232Z",
"sender": {
"_id": "5f04251caa4a347af9946e06",
"displayname": "Test user",
"picture_url": "",
"type": "user",
"username": ""
"status": 0,
"topicId": "5f06c25e574ca36b54cb4cdf",
"topicTitle": "aadasdasdasdasd",
"topicType": "group"
Payload Received ('idea')
"displayname":"Test user",
Payload Received ('task')
"category": "task",
"chatMessages": {},
"topicId": "5f0425254b3cd61ae416fa5f",
"content": {
"bodyText": "asdasd",
"assignees": [
"_id": "5f04251caa4a347af9946e06"
"description": "<p>asdasdasd</p>",
"data": [
"fileId": "63cb20f5-12d8-4dea-b784-ae13c11a1cb8",
"fileSize": 2034,
"fileType": "document",
"icon": "",
"name": "userActions compressed.txt",
"provider": "native",
"providerFileType": "text/plain"
"dueDate": "2020-07-10T11:06:59.733Z",
"status": "pending"
Payload Received ('topic.updated')
"category": "topic.updated",
"content": {
"__restrictProccessed": true,
"_id": "5f047cbf1f2f363310b0cda0",
"cid": "5f04251caa4a347af9946e06",
"companies": [
"companyid": "5697db96283a4708c4f786f6",
"userid": "5f04251caa4a347af9946e06"
"created": "2020-07-07T13:46:39.344Z",
"members": [
"displayname": "Test user",
"joinTime": "2020-07-07T13:46:39.339Z",
"member": "5f04251caa4a347af9946e06",
"memberType": "userId",
"phone_numbers": [
"picture_url": "",
"role": "admin",
"username": ""
"displayname": "Vidas Andrijaitis",
"joinTime": "2020-07-09T09:32:12.934Z",
"member": "5ef9b678aa4a347af983c74c",
"memberType": "userId",
"phone_numbers": [
"picture_url": "",
"role": "member",
"username": ""
"modified": "2020-07-10T11:28:02.853Z",
"msgRetention": {
"notInheritParentPolicy": false,
"policy": {
"from": "company",
"limitCustomLength": false,
"retentionLength": 0,
"retentionType": "forever"
"retentionLength": 0,
"retentionType": "forever"
"parents": [
"restrict": [
"settings": {
"allowPasswordInURL": false,
"autoStart": false,
"confId": "918529927",
"confPin": "",
"encryptedPassword": "",
"hideAutoStartPrompt": false,
"mdLic": [
"mdOpts": [
"mdProviders": [
"mdSrv": "mpaas",
"memberOnly": false,
"mpaasSettings": {
"eventConference": {
"enable": false,
"endDate": null,
"hostingContinent": "EU",
"startDate": null
"maxResolution": "720P",
"passwordRequired": {
"allGuests": true
"status": 0,
"title": "new space",
"type": "group"
"sender": {
"_id": "5f04251caa4a347af9946e06",
"displayname": "Test user",
"type": "user"
"topicId": "5f047cbf1f2f363310b0cda0"
Payload ('app.event.task.updated')
"_id": "5f084be01015c7ea0129f976",
"category": "app.event.task.updated",
"content": {
"assignees": [
"_id": "5f04251caa4a347af9946e06"
"bodyText": "asdasd",
"data": [
"convertStart": null,
"convertStatus": 0,
"description": "",
"fileId": "63cb20f5-12d8-4dea-b784-ae13c11a1cb8",
"fileSize": 2034,
"fileType": "document",
"icon": "",
"keywords": [
"metaData": {
"paging": 0,
"prvwProvd": "gcs",
"stgeProvd": "gcs"
"name": "userActions compressed.txt",
"nextSchedule": null,
"pages": 0,
"path": "",
"previewFile": "",
"provider": "native",
"providerFileType": "text/plain",
"recordingId": null,
"thumbnail": "",
"thumbnailFile": "",
"type": null
"description": "<p>asdasdasdasdasasd</p>",
"dueDate": "2020-07-10T11:06:59.733Z",
"endTime": null,
"mediaMode": "audio",
"meetingStatus": "active",
"recordings": [
"startTime": "2020-07-10T11:07:12.284Z",
"status": "pending",
"virtualEndTime": null
"messageId": "5f084be01015c7ea0129f976",
"modified": "2020-07-10T11:11:48.199Z",
"sender": {
"_id": "5f04251caa4a347af9946e06",
"displayname": "Test user",
"picture_url": "",
"type": "user",
"username": ""
"topicId": "5f0425254b3cd61ae416fa5f"
Payload ('app.event.idea.updated')
"_id": "5f084a681015c7cc4929f8ca",
"category": "app.event.idea.updated",
"content": {
"bodyText": "asdasasd",
"data": [
"convertStart": null,
"convertStatus": 0,
"description": "",
"fileId": "0c1591af-9d7a-4252-ba93-64e0b1ad49d4",
"fileSize": 3235,
"fileType": "document",
"icon": "",
"keywords": [
"metaData": {
"paging": 0,
"prvwProvd": "gcs",
"stgeProvd": "gcs"
"name": "userActions working example.txt",
"nextSchedule": null,
"pages": 0,
"path": "",
"previewFile": "",
"provider": "native",
"providerFileType": "text/plain",
"recordingId": null,
"thumbnail": "",
"thumbnailFile": "",
"type": null
"description": "<p>asdasdadsasdasdadasd</p>",
"dueDate": "2020-07-10T11:00:56.755Z",
"endTime": null,
"mediaMode": "audio",
"meetingStatus": "active",
"recordings": [
"startTime": "2020-07-10T11:00:56.757Z",
"status": "pending",
"virtualEndTime": null
"messageId": "5f084a681015c7cc4929f8ca",
"modified": "2020-07-10T11:24:13.654Z",
"sender": {
"_id": "5f04251caa4a347af9946e06",
"displayname": "Test user",
"picture_url": "",
"type": "user",
"username": ""
"topicId": "5f0425254b3cd61ae416fa5f"
Payload ('chat')
This is a comment inside a post
"displayname":"Test user",
Payload ('app.event.message.removed')
"_id": "5f0848181015c73ae229f735",
"category": "app.event.message.removed",
"content": {
"bodyText": "<p>sdasdasdasd</p>",
"data": [
"description": "",
"endTime": null,
"mediaMode": "audio",
"meetingStatus": "active",
"recordings": [
"startTime": "2020-07-10T10:51:04.626Z",
"virtualEndTime": null
"created": "2020-07-10T10:51:04.613Z",
"messageId": "5f0848181015c73ae229f735",
"sender": {
"_id": "5f04251caa4a347af9946e06",
"displayname": "Test user",
"picture_url": "",
"type": "user",
"username": ""
"topicId": "5f0425254b3cd61ae416fa5f"
Payload ('')
"displayname":"Test user",
"displayname":"Test user",
"displayname":"Test user"