1. Overview
  2. Retrieve Specific User Personal Meeting Room

1 Overview

In personal meeting room, users can have adhoc or scheduled meetings with colleagues and friends.
This is a SYSTEM GENERATED space wich has the following characteristics.

  • This is a unique room created for each individual user
  • Admin/Owner can only invite guests to join this space
  • It has a unique personalized URL like https://spacesapis.avayacloud.com/u/jonhndoe@domain.com

2 Retrieve a User Personal Meeting Room

Can find a particular user's Personal Meeting Room by their email address.
For Details See: Personal Meeting Room API

GET https://spacesapis.avayacloud.com/api/users/meetingroom/johndoe@domain.com

Sample response:

        "_id": "5890b188b1021d1d23a00815",
        "title": "John Doe",
        "type": "personal",
        "description": "",
        "status": 0,
        "members": [
            "member": "5890b1243bab0e18ff044943",
            "memberType": "userId",
            "role": "admin",
            "joinTime": "2017-01-31T15:47:20.915Z",
            "username": "johndoe@domain.com",
            "displayname": "John Doe",
            "picture_url": "https://www.onesna.com/norevimages/noimage.jpg"
        "settings": {
            "mdSrv": "ams",
            "confId": "234057438"
        "created": "2017-01-31T15:47:20.915Z",
        "type": "group",
        "isPinned": null,
        "notification": null,
        "role": "admin",
        "lastAccess": "2017-04-26T13:29:50.079Z"